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Antony Hewish

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Antony Hewish
Mibait11 ya ing Mayo1924
Fowey, Cornwall, Inglaterra
Mete13 ya ing Septiembre 2021 (edad 97)

I Antony Hewish (11 ya ing Mayo 1924 – 13 ya ing Septiembre 2021) métung yang Britanicong radio astronomer a sínambut king Galal a Nobel para king Física (Nobel Prize for Physics) anyang 1974 (kayábé ning kalúpa nang radio-astronomer a i Martin Ryle)[1] para king pámanuklas da karéng pulsar. Tinggap né múrin ing Eddington Medal ning Royal Astronomical Society anyang 1969.<ref>Hewish, A (1975). "Pulsars and High Density Physics.". Science 188 (4193): 1079–1083. 13 June 1975. doi:10.1126/science.188.4193.1079. PMID 17798425. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the |archivedate= parameter. https://www.europhysicsnews.org/10.1051/epn/19750603001/pdf. 

  1. István., Hargittai (2007). The road to Stockholm : Nobel Prizes, science, and scientists. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0198607854. OCLC 818659203.