Template:Cities of Butte County, California
Chico is like anyplace and yet it is totally different. Here one finds the possibility of great things and even the hope that may not be there that it creates. With it's dramatic changes with the weather and the culture every year there are many interesting experiences to be had here even when things feel dull. Karma usually is instant and for some they are just people who are headed strait to hell on their journey into psychosis. Though a social roller coaster ride people often do forgive one another. The place is becoming more aware and like the child it is, it is doing so with fits. There are some good forces at work here causing the place to not just be any ordinary place. It is a college town and experiencing sudden transformation. Perhaps it is more progressive than San Francisco because it doesn't think of itself in terms of progressiveness. It is not a place for rich people to really thrive in, but a better place for more poor sorts of people, though it isn't cheap anymore and people should stop pretending they've got money that they don't got and handle their business even if it means they don't get high as often.