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Ibat king Wikipedia

| 101 | p =voiceless bilabial stop | 101 408 | p̪ =voiceless labiodental stop | 102 | b =voiced bilabial stop | 102 408 | b̪ =voiced labiodental stop | 103 | t =voiceless alveolar stop | 103 408 | 103 + 408 | t̪ =voiceless dental stop | 104 | d =voiced alveolar stop | 104 408 | 104 + 408 | d̪ =voiced dental stop | t̠ʲ | c̟ | ȶ = voiceless alveolo-palatal stop | d̠ʲ | ɟ̟ | ȡ = voiced alveolo-palatal stop | 105 | ʈ =voiceless retroflex stop | 106 | ɖ =voiced retroflex stop | 107 | c =voiceless palatal stop | 108 | ɟ =voiced palatal stop | k̟ =voiceless prevelar stop | 109 | k =voiceless velar stop | 110 | ɡ =voiced velar stop | k̠ =voiceless postvelar stop | 111 | q =voiceless uvular stop | 112 | ɢ =voiced uvular stop | 173 | ʡ =epiglottal stop | 113 | ʔ =glottal stop

| 114 | m =bilabial nasal | m̥ =voiceless bilabial nasal | 115 | ɱ =labiodental nasal | 116 408 | 116 + 408 | n̪ =dental nasal | 116 | n =alveolar nasal | n̥ =voiceless alveolar nasal | n̠ =postalveolar nasal | n̠ʲ | ɲ̟ | ȵ = alveolo-palatal nasal | 117 | ɳ =retroflex nasal | ɳ̊ | ɳ̥ =voiceless retroflex nasal | 118 | ɲ =palatal nasal | ɲ̊ | ɲ̥ =voiceless palatal nasal | 119 | ŋ =velar nasal | ŋ̥ | ŋ̊ =voiceless velar nasal | 120 | ɴ =uvular nasal | 116 407 | 116 + 407 | n̼ =linguolabial nasal | 126 | ɸ =voiceless bilabial fricative | 127 | β =voiced bilabial fricative | 128 | f =voiceless labiodental fricative | 129 | v =voiced labiodental fricative | 130 | θ =voiceless dental fricative | 130 (414) | 130 414 | θ̱ =voiceless alveolar non-sibilant fricative | 131 | ð =voiced dental fricative

| 138 | ç =voiceless palatal fricative | 139 | ʝ =voiced palatal fricative | 140 | x =voiceless velar fricative | 141 | ɣ =voiced velar fricative | x̠ =voiceless postvelar fricative | ɣ̄ | ɣ̠ =voiced postvelar fricative | 142 | χ =voiceless uvular fricative | 143 | ʁ =voiced uvular fricative | 144 | ħ =voiceless pharyngeal fricative | 145 | ʕ =voiced pharyngeal fricative | 172 | ʜ =voiceless epiglottal fricative | 174 | ʢ =voiced epiglottal fricative | 146 | h =voiceless glottal fricative | 147 | ɦ =voiced glottal fricative | h̃ =Voiceless nasal glottal approximant | ɭ˔̊ | ɬ̢ =voiceless retroflex lateral fricative | 157 402A 429 | ʎ̥˔ =voiceless palatal lateral fricative | 158 429 402A | ʟ̝̊ =voiceless velar lateral fricative | 158 429 | ʟ̝ =voiced velar lateral fricative | β̞ =bilabial approximant | 150 | ʋ =labiodental approximant | ð̞ =dental approximant | 151 | ɹ =alveolar approximant | 152 | ɻ =retroflex approximant | 153 | j =palatal approximant | ȷ̃ =nasal palatal approximant | 154 | ɣ̞ | ɰ =velar approximant

| 155 | l =alveolar lateral approximant | l̪ =dental lateral approximant | l̥ =voiceless alveolar lateral approximant | l̠ʲ | ʎ̟ | ȴ = lateral alveolo-palatal approximant | 156 | ɭ =retroflex lateral approximant | 157 | ʎ =palatal lateral approximant | 158 | ʟ =velar lateral approximant | 209 | ɫ =velarized alveolar lateral approximant

| 169 | hw | ʍ =voiceless labio-velar approximant | 170 | w =labio-velar approximant | 170 424 | w̃ =nasal labio-velar approximant | 171 | ɥ =labial-palatal approximant | 121 | ʙ =bilabial trill | 122 | r =alveolar trill | r̥ =voiceless alveolar trill | ɼ | r̝ =raised alveolar trill | 105 101 122 | ​ɽ͡r | ɽ͡r =retroflex trill | 123 | ʀ =uvular trill | ᴙ | я =epiglottal trill | 184 413 | ⱱ̟ =bilabial flap | 184 | ⱱ =labiodental flap | 124 | ɾ =alveolar tap | 125 | ɽ =retroflex flap | 112 505 | 112 + 505 | ɢ̆ =uvular flap | 173 432 | 173 + 432 | ʡ̯ =epiglottal flap | 181 | ɺ =alveolar lateral flap | ɺ̠ | ɺ̢ |  =retroflex lateral flap | ʎ̯ =palatal lateral flap | ʟ̆ =velar lateral flap

| 148 | ɬ =voiceless alveolar lateral fricative | 149 | ɮ =voiced alveolar lateral fricative |  =voiceless retroflex lateral fricative |  =voiceless palatal lateral fricative |  =voiceless velar lateral fricative | 132 | s =voiceless alveolar sibilant | 132 (414) | 132 414 | s̺ =voiceless apico-alveolar sibilant | 133 | z =voiced alveolar sibilant | 134 | ʃ =voiceless palato-alveolar sibilant | 135 | ʒ =voiced palato-alveolar sibilant | 136 | ʂ =voiceless retroflex sibilant | 137 | ʐ =voiced retroflex sibilant | 160 | ɓ =voiced bilabial implosive | 162 | ɗ =voiced alveolar implosive | ᶑ =voiced retroflex implosive | 164 | ʄ =voiced palatal implosive | 166 | ɠ =voiced velar implosive | 168 | ʛ =voiced uvular implosive | ƥ =voiceless bilabial implosive | ƭ =voiceless alveolar implosive | ƈ =voiceless palatal implosive | ƙ =voiceless velar implosive | ʠ =voiceless uvular implosive | 101 401 | 101 + 401 | pʼ =bilabial ejective | 103 401 408 | 103 + 401 + 408 | t̪ʼ =dental ejective | 165 | 103 401 | 103 + 401 | tʼ =alveolar ejective | 107 401 | 107 + 401 | cʼ =palatal ejective | 109 401 | 109 + 401 | kʼ =velar ejective | 111 401 | 111 + 401 | qʼ =uvular ejective | 132 401 | 132 + 401 | sʼ =alveolar ejective fricative | ʈʼ =retroflex ejective | fʼ =labiodental ejective fricative | θʼ =dental ejective fricative | ɬʼ =alveolar lateral ejective fricative | xʼ =velar ejective fricative | χʼ =uvular ejective fricative

| 103 148 401 | 103 (148) 401 | ƛ’ | t͡ɬʼ | t͜ɬʼ | tɬʼ =alveolar lateral ejective affricate | tʃʼ | t͜ʃʼ | t͡ʃʼ =palato-alveolar ejective affricate | pf | p̪f | p͡f | p̪͡f =voiceless labiodental affricate | bv | b̪v | b͡v | b͜v | b̪͡v =voiced labiodental affricate | 103 132 | 103 (132) | ʦ | ts | t͜s | t͡s =voiceless alveolar affricate | 103 132 401 | t͡sʼ | tsʼ =alveolar ejective affricate | ʣ | dz | d͜z | d͡z =voiced alveolar affricate | 103 (134) | 103 134 | t̠ʃ | ʧ | tʃ | t͜ʃ | t͡ʃ =voiceless palato-alveolar affricate | 104 (135) | 104 135 | d̠ʒ | ʤ | dʒ | d͜ʒ | d͡ʒ =voiced palato-alveolar affricate | 215 | t̠ɕ | ʨ | tɕ | t͜ɕ | t͡ɕ =voiceless alveolo-palatal affricate | 216 | d̠ʑ | ʥ | dʑ | d͜ʑ | d͡ʑ =voiced alveolo-palatal affricate | 105 (136) | 105 136 | ʈʂ | t͡ʂ | t͜ʂ | tʂ | ʈ͡ʂ =voiceless retroflex affricate | tʂʼ | t͡ʂʼ | ʈʂʼ | ʈ͡ʂʼ =retroflex ejective affricate | 106 (137) | 106 137 | ɖʐ | dʐ | d͜ʐ | ɖ͜ʐ | d͡ʐ | ɖ͡ʐ =voiced retroflex affricate | 108 (139) | 108 139 | ɟ͡ʝ | ɟʝ =voiced palatal affricate | 107 (138) | 107 138 | c͡ç | cç =voiceless palatal affricate | kx | k͡x | k͜x =voiceless velar affricate | qχ | q͡χ = voiceless uvular affricate | kxʼ | k͜xʼ | k͡xʼ =velar ejective affricate | 103 (148) | 103 148 | ƛ | tɬ | t͜ɬ | t͡ɬ =voiceless alveolar lateral affricate | 104 (149) | 104 149 | dɮ | d͜ɮ | d͡ɮ =voiced alveolar lateral affricate | c͡ʎ̥ | cʎ̥ | c͜ʎ̥ | c͡ʎ | c͜ʎ | cʎ | c | c͡ʎ̥˔ | cʎ̥˔ | c͜ʎ̥˔ | c͜ | c͡ =voiceless palatal lateral affricate | c͡ʼ | c͜ʼ | cʼ | cʎ̝̥ʼ =palatal lateral ejective affricate | k͡ʟ̝̊ | k | k͜ | k͡ =voiceless velar lateral affricate | kʟ̝̊ʼ | k͡ʼ | k͜ʼ | kʼ =velar lateral ejective affricate | 182 | ɕː | ɕ =voiceless alveolo-palatal sibilant | 183 | ʑː | ʑ =voiced alveolo-palatal sibilant | 175 | ɧ =sj-sound

| 109 (101) | 109 101 | kp | k͡p =voiceless labial-velar stop | 110 (102) | 110 102 | ɡb | ɡ͡b =voiced labial-velar stop | 119 (114) | 119 114 | ŋm | ŋ͡m =labial-velar nasal

| 176 =bilabial click | ʘ | ᵏʘ | kʘ =voiceless bilabial click | 177 =dental click | ʇ | ǀ | ᵏʇ | ᵏǀ | kʇ | kǀ =voiceless dental click | 178 =alveolar click | ʗ | ǃ | ᵏʗ | ᵏǃ | kʗ | kǃ =voiceless alveolar click | 179 =palatal click | ǂ | ᵏǂ | kǂ =voiceless palatal click | 180 =alveolar lateral click | ʖ | ǁ | ᵏʖ | ᵏǁ | kʖ | kǁ =voiceless alveolar lateral click | ǀ̬ | ʇ̬ | ᶢǀ | ᶢʇ | ɡǀ | ɡʇ =voiced dental click | ǀ̃ | ʇ̃ | ᵑǀ | ᵑʇ | ŋǀ | ŋʇ =dental nasal click | ǀ̃ˀ | ʇ̃ˀ | ǀˀ | ʇˀ | ᵑǀˀ | ᵑʇˀ | ᵑ̊ǀˀ | ᵑ̊ʇˀ | ŋ̊ǀˀ | ŋ̊ʇˀ | ŋǀˀ | ŋʇˀ =glottalized dental nasal click | ǃ̬ | ʗ̬ | ᶢǃ | ᶢʗ | ɡǃ | ɡʗ =voiced alveolar click | ǃ̃ | ʗ̃ | ᵑǃ | ᵑʗ | ŋǃ | ŋʗ =alveolar nasal click | ǃ̃ˀ | ʗ̃ˀ | ǃˀ | ʗˀ | ᵑǃˀ | ᵑʗˀ | ᵑ̊ǃˀ | ᵑ̊ʗˀ | ŋ̊ǃˀ | ŋ̊ʗˀ | ŋǃˀ | ŋʗˀ =glottalized alveolar nasal click | ǁ̬ | ʖ̬ | ᶢǁ | ᶢʖ | ɡǁ | ɡʖ =voiced alveolar lateral click | ǁ̃ | ʖ̃ | ᵑǁ | ᵑʖ | ŋǁ | ŋʖ =alveolar lateral nasal click | ǁ̃ˀ | ʖ̃ˀ | ǁˀ | ʖˀ | ᵑǁˀ | ᵑʖˀ | ᵑ̊ǁˀ | ᵑ̊ʖˀ | ŋ̊ǁˀ | ŋ̊ʖˀ | ŋǁˀ | ŋʖˀ =glottalized alveolar lateral nasal click | ǂ̬ | ᶢǂ | ɡǂ =voiced palatal click | ǂ̃ | ᵑǂ | ŋǂ =palatal nasal click | ǂ̃ˀ | ǂˀ | ᵑǂˀ | ᵑ̊ǂˀ | ŋ̊ǂˀ | ŋǂˀ =glottalized palatal nasal click | ʘ̬ | ᶢʘ | ɡʘ =voiced bilabial click | ʘ̃ | ᵑʘ | ŋʘ =bilabial nasal click | ʘ̃ˀ | ʘˀ | ᵑʘˀ | ᵑ̊ʘˀ | ŋ̊ʘˀ | ŋʘˀ =glottalized bilabial nasal click | ǃ˞ | ‼ =voiceless retroflex click | ǃ̬˞ | ᶢǃ˞ | ɡǃ˞ | ‼̬ | ᶢ‼ | ɡ‼ =voiced retroflex click | ǃ̃˞ | ᵑǃ˞ | ŋǃ˞ | ‼̃ | ᵑ‼ | ŋ‼ =retroflex nasal click | ǃ̃˞ˀ | ǃ˞ˀ | ᵑǃ˞ˀ | ᵑ̊ǃ˞ˀ | ŋ̊ǃ˞ˀ | ŋ‼ˀ | ŋǃ˞ˀ | ŋ̊‼ˀ | ᵑ̊‼ˀ | ᵑ‼ˀ | ‼̃ˀ | ‼ˀ =glottalized retroflex nasal click

| 301 | i | iː =close front unrounded vowel | 309 | y | yː =close front rounded vowel | 317 | ɨ | ɨː =close central unrounded vowel | 318 | ʉ | ʉː =close central rounded vowel | 316 | ɯ | ɯː =close back unrounded vowel | 308 | u | uː =close back rounded vowel | 319 | ɪ | ɪː =near-close near-front unrounded vowel | 320 | ʏ | ʏː =near-close near-front rounded vowel | 319 415 | ᵻ | ɪ̵ | ɪ̈ =near-close central unrounded vowel | 321 415 | 318 430 | ʉ̞ | ʊ̵ | ʊ̈ =near-close central rounded vowel | 321 | ʊ | ʊː =near-close near-back vowel | 302 | e | eː =close-mid front unrounded vowel | 302 430 | ᴇ | e̞ | ɛ̝ =mid front unrounded vowel | 310 | ø | øː =close-mid front rounded vowel | 397 | ɘ =close-mid central unrounded vowel | 323 | ɵ | ɵː =close-mid central rounded vowel | 315 | ɤ | ɤː =close-mid back unrounded vowel | 307 | o | oː =close-mid back rounded vowel | 307 430 | ɔ̝ | o̞ =mid back rounded vowel | 322 | ə | əː =mid-central vowel | 303 | ɛ | ɛː =open-mid front unrounded vowel | 311 | œ | œː =open-mid front rounded vowel | 326 | ɜ | ɜː =open-mid central unrounded vowel | 395 | ɞ =open-mid central rounded vowel | 314 | ʌ | ʌː =open-mid back unrounded vowel | 306 | ɔ | ɔː =open-mid back rounded vowel | 325 | æ | æː =near-open front unrounded vowel | 324 | ɐ | ɐː =near-open central vowel | 304 | a | aː =open front unrounded vowel | 304 415 | a̠ | ä | äː =open central unrounded vowel | 312 | ɶ =open front rounded vowel | 305 | ɑ | ɑː =open back unrounded vowel | 313 | ɒː | ɒ =open back rounded vowel | 310 430 | ø̞ =mid front rounded vowel | 315 430 | ɤ̞ =mid back unrounded vowel

| ◌ʼ | ʼ | 401=ejective consonant | ◌̥ | ̥ | 402A =voiceless | s̬ | t̬ | ◌̬ | ̬ | 403 =voice (phonetics)

| pʰ | tʰ | t̪ ʰ | ʈʰ | kʰ | qʰ | tsʰ | tʃʰ | tʂʰ | ʈʂʰ | tɕʰ | tɬʰ | kxʰ | t͡sʰ | t͡ʃʰ | t͡ʂʰ | ʈ͡ʂʰ | t͡ɕʰ | t͡ɬʰ | k͡xʰ | ◌ʰ | ʰ | 404 =aspiration (phonetics)

| b̤ | d̤ | ɡ̈ | ◌̤ | ̤ | bʱ | dʱ | d̪ʱ | ɡʱ | ɖʱ | dʒʱ | d͡ʒʱ | dzʱ | d͡zʱ | dʐʱ | d͡ʐʱ | ɖʐʱ | ɖ͡ʐʱ | dʑʱ | d͡ʑʱ | ◌ʱ | ʱ | 405 =breathy voice

| 406 | a̰ | b̰ | ◌̰ | ̰ =creacky voice

| ̼ | 407 =linguolabial consonant | ̪ | 408 =dental consonant | ̺ | 409 =apical consonant | ̻ | 410 =laminal consonant | ̹ | 411 =roundedness | ̜ | 412 =roundedness | ̟ | 413 =relative articulation#Advanced and retracted | ̠ | 414 =relative articulation#Advanced and retracted | ̈ | 415 =relative articulation#Centralized vowels | ̽ | 416 =relative articulation#Mid-centralized vowel | ̘ | 417 =advanced and retracted tongue root | ̙ | 418 =advanced and retracted tongue root

| 419 | 322 419 | 322 + 419 | ɚ | ɝ | ɝː =R-colored vowel

| 420 | kʷ | ɡʷ | xʷ | ɣʷ | ŋʷ | qʷ | ɢʷ | ɴʷ | χʷ | ʁʷ | ◌ʷ | ʔʷ | pʷ | bʷ | kpʷ | tsʷ | dzʷ | tʃʷ | dʒʷ | kxʷ | ɡɣʷ | qχʷ | ɢʁʷ | sʷ | zʷ | ʂʷ | ʐʷ | fʷ | vʷ | ħʷ | ʕʷ | hʷ | ɦʷ | ʷ =labialization

| 421 | ◌ʲ | ʲ =palatalization | 422 | ◌ˠ | ˠ =velarization

| 423 | sˤ | zˤ | tˤ | dˤ | θˤ | ðˤ | ɮˤ | lˤ | kˤ | ʔˤ | ◌ˤ | ˤ =pharyngealization

| 424 | æ̃ | ɒ̃ | ə̃ | ɨ̃ | ɪ̃ | ʊ̃ | ø̃ | ʏ̃ | ʉ̃ | ɤ̃ | ɯ̃ | ɑ̃ | ɛ̃ | œ̃ | ɔ̃ | ã | ẽ | ĩ | õ | ũ | ɐ̃ | ỹ =nasal vowel | ◌̃ | ̃ =nasalization | ◌ⁿ | ⁿ | 425 =nasal release

| dˡ | ◌ˡ | ˡ | 426 =lateral release (phonetics) | d̚ | ◌̚ | ̚ | 427 =no audible release | ◌ˀ | ˀ =glottalization | ◌̴ | ̴ | 428 =Velarization | e̝ | ɹ̝ | ̝ | ˔ | 429 =relative articulation#Raised and lowered | e̞ | β̞ | ̞ | ˕ | 430 =relative articulation#Raised and lowered

| ŋ̍ | ŋ̩ | n̩ | m̩ | r̩ | ɹ̩ | l̩ | ◌̩ | ̩ | 431 =syllabic consonant

| . =syllabification

| u̯ | i̯ | y̯ | ʊ̯ | ɪ̯ | ʏ̯ | e̯ | o̯ | ◌̯ | ̯ | 432 =semivowel | aʊ | aɪ | ɔɪ | oʊ | eɪ =diphthong | ᶣ =labio-palatalization

| 501 | ˈ =stress (linguistics) | 502 | ˌ =secondary stress | 503 | 504 | ˑ | ː =length (phonetics) | 505 | ̆ | ə̆ =extra-short | 519 | 523 | ˩ | ˨ | ˧ | ˦ | ˥ =tone letter | 517 | ꜜ◌ | ꜜ =downstep | 518 | ꜛ◌ | ꜛ =upstep | ∅ =zero (linguistics) | 601 =bidental percussive | 602 =velopharyngael fricative | 603 =lateralised [s] | 604 =lateralised [z] | 611 =IPA | 612 | * =IPA | 901 | [ | 902 | ] | 903 | / | 906 | ( | 907 | ) =IPA | 999 | _ =IPA vowel chart/sandbox | = | #default =Error using {{IPAsym}}: IPA symbol "Template:Strip whitespace/1" not found in list }}